2022 - 2022

Ruth Health (YC '21)

Personalized, expert virtual care designed for women that makes it easy for them to take control of their health.

{ end users }
Primarily women aged 25-45, Focus on mothers
{ team }
2 x Co-Founders, Chief Product Officer, Product Designer (Me)
{ what i did }
Stakeholder Facilitation, User Interviews, Sketching, Wireframing, Design System, Responsive UI Design, Prototyping
{ overview }


Ruth Health (YC '21) is a leader in women's postpartum care, offering a comprehensive app with customized exercise, nutrition, and mental wellness support that's expanded 215% in the last few months are now available in clinics and hospitals nationwide.

{ review }
quote icon

Humayun took our MVP functionality and updated brand guidelines to create a design system and product experience we could be proud of from the ground up while keeping both the new and aspiring mothers we work with firmly in mind. And that too at a rapid clip as he iterated through the various design stages while incorporating stakeholder feedback. He'd be a valuable addition to any early-stage start-up.

Alison Greenberg
Co-Founder / CEO @ Ruth Health